  • 『臺灣漢學資源中心』十週年慶國際學術研討會首頁圖片

摘要 Abstract


Taiwan Studies and Sinology Studies in the World
International Symposium Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Taiwan Resource Center for Chinese Studies (TRCCS)



Session 1 Abstract
Visualizing the Chinese Reading Processes in the Brain
On the Mode of Thinking Engendered from the Chinese Script and a Conception of Sinological Anthropology.

「漢學」(Sinology, Chinese Studies)原是歐洲傳教士發明的概念,在學院建制化後,即被用來泛指對於中國文化或華人社會之各種方面的學術研究。漢學所研究的中國詩詞、書法、繪書、儒、釋、道哲學與宗教等等,雖然最初的確都是古代漢人所創造出來的文化表現型態。然而,在當代「『漢』學」之「漢」,卻可以無涉種族主義或民族主義的涵義,而僅是用來標舉它所研究的這些具有類型學差異的文化內含,在世界上具有獨樹一幟的特性。我們因而可以撇開漢族中心主義的漢學研究侷限,從文學做為人對世界之美學感受性的表達、神話做為想像力的發揮,語言做為對世界最具根源性的認知建構、宗教做為有限存有者與無限存有者互動的中介規定等觀點,來透過漢學對於中國文學、哲學、宗教、藝術與倫理實踐的研究,發掘出那些能建構這些文化表現的主體性基礎,從而能對人的感性、知性、想像力、意志與超越意識等機能與作用提出整體而統一的說明。如此一來,我們對於「人是什麼?」的問題,即能提出與西方文化不同的「哲學人學」觀點。透過這種「漢學人學」的構想,我們也可以將漢學多方面的現象觀察與分析,建構成一獨立而完整的知識體系。 在國際漢學研究上,我們因而可以從文化類型學差異的觀點來研究漢學。文化的表現千差萬別,因而若世界諸民族的文化表現,真得談得上具有類型學的差異,那麼這種文化類型學的差異,當不只是細節上的不同,而是有一基礎的世界觀差異做為各民族文化之不同型態表現的基礎。為能追問漢學所研究的中國文化的特殊性,我建議應重新回到洪堡特(Wilhelm von Humboldt)的語言哲學觀點。這是因為文化若要能被理解,即預設構成該文化的符號系統的意義能被理解。而在各種符號系統中,語言的符號系統特別扮演著關鍵性的角色。這即如同洪堡特在歷史比較語言學方面的代表作《論人類語言結構的差異及其對人類精神發展的影響》所嘗試指出的,各民族不同的語言結構,代表不同的語言世界觀。我們若要透過漢學人學的研究觀點,為漢學所研究的特殊文化類型建立符號意義的理解基礎,那麼對於漢語(特別是漢字)的語言世界觀差異性研究,即成為無可迴避的重要基礎。本文因而將在第一部分說明漢學人學的構想,並在第二部分探討在這個構想中漢字思維所代表的意義與影響。
3.Michael Szonyi(宋怡明)教授(哈佛大學東亞語文系)
The information ecology of local society in southeast China in Ming-Qing
Session 2 Abstract
4. Philip Clart(柯若樸)教授(萊比錫大學東亞研究學系)
The Continuing Story of Han Xiangzi 韓湘子: Narrative Shifts in Qing-Dynasty Popular Literature
The legend of the Daoist immortal Han Xiangzi 韓湘子 has been retold many times and in many literary genres since the ninth century, reaching its most complex and extensive formulation in an early seventeenth-century vernacular novel, Yang Erzeng’s 楊爾曾 Han Xiangzi quanzhuan 《韓湘子全傳》. According to its preface, the novel was partially based on popular story-telling and performance traditions, which Yang regarded as vulgar and crude. This Hangzhou-based literatus with strong Daoist leanings aimed instead to give the story of Han Xiangzi a worthier treatment, which turned out to be that of a Daoist Bildungsroman. While Yang’s immediate popular literary sources are (with one possible exception) no longer available to us, we do possess a large number of thematically related Qing-dynasty works from different popular genres, including prosimetric tales, ballads, songs, and local operas. Even without stipulating a continuous popular narrative tradition from the Ming (or even earlier) to the early twentieth century, the distinct plot variations between the novel and the popular narratives (as well as among different genres of the latter) highlight differences between elite and popular cultures in Late Imperial China, which this paper will explore with particular attention to the negotiation of value conflicts concerning gender roles, personal cultivation, and family obligations. I will also address the contributions of the TRCCS programme in facilitating primary source access for research endeavours in the field of premodern popular literature.
5. Marc Gilbert(馬日新)主任(萊頓大學圖書館中文善本特藏部負責人)
A Ming Dynasty Imperial Edict: A Royal Way to Chinese Studies
In December 2020, Leiden University Libraries acquired an edict issued by the Wanli emperor (r. 1572-1620), once in the collection of the Dutch sinologist Robert van Gulik (1910-1967). In collaboration with the department of Chinese Studies, an internship was offered to three students (BA3 and MA), giving them a unique chance to investigate the preservation and academic relevance of a historical document almost 450 old. Each student was assigned to explore one of the following topics: historical context, physical description and provenance of the document, description of the content and translation. Their findings were shared on Leiden’s Special Collections blog and in a podcast. Aft After a presentation of the Van Gulik Collection at Leiden University Libraries, this paper recounts the implementation of the project, summarizes the interns’ work and their findings, and evaluates its outreach.
6. Bart Dessein(巴得勝)教授(根特大學語言和文化學系)
Buddhism in the Republican Era and the Lasting Importance of Taixu
Much scholarly attention has been devoted to the way the Chinese political elites tried to formulate an answer to the challenges posed by European modernity at the turn of the 20th century. Far less attention has, however, been devoted to the way also the Chinese Buddhist community was, in this period, oscilating between the acceptance of some Christian ideas; socialist, communist and anarchist concepts; and nationalism. In this paper, it will be outlined how Taixu's (1889-1947) works illustrate this intellectual and practical endeavour.
Session 3 Abstract

7.  Dafydd Fell(羅達菲)教授(倫敦大學亞非學院)

Making Taiwan relevant to comparative political studies: Experience of small party research in Taiwan

A constant challenge for scholars in international Taiwan Studies is how to make our research relevant to students and readers that are not especially interested in Taiwan. Although Taiwan Studies is in many ways enjoying a golden era today, there is much variation in the vitality of different academic disciplines in the study of Taiwan. Shelley Rigger has suggested that social science studies are one of the stronger fields, as Taiwan presents a useful testcase for many theories and she notes that data collection is relatively straightforward compared to many other Asia or African countries.

As a political scientist based in Europe, my approach to the above mentioned challenge is to locate my research on Taiwan in the subfields of comparative electoral and party politics. By using political party theories and frameworks that have first been used in European party systems, I try to make Taiwan interesting and understandable to readers and students unfamiliar with the country. In this talk I will discuss how in some of my recent research on Taiwan’s smaller parties, I have tried to test and adapt political science concepts to this Asian democracy. I argue that such strategies can not only raise awareness of Taiwan in Europe but also help to make the Taiwan Studies field sustainable.

8. 賴錫三院長(國立中山大學文學院)
Building an International Sinology Forum From Taiwan to the World



Past and Future: Perspectives of the TRCCS


 In this presentation, I will look back to the initiation history of this Taiwan Resource Center for Chinese Studies (TRCCS) project, and have an overview about what we have done and are doing now, and then raise some new solutions and prospective for management of the TRCCS program.