  • etd2018

Travel Scholarship

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I. How to Apply

A candidate is preferably from developing countries. Please download and fill out the application form. Also, prepare a report describing the current situation and the future plans of ETDs at your institution (no more than 1000 words, in pdf or MSWord format). Send the application form, report, along with a letter of support from your institution, to etd2018@ncl.edu.tw. The deadline for applications is April 30th, 2018.

The ETD 2018 Conference Organizing Committee will evaluate and award the scholarships which allow for fair review but also provides sufficient time for the recipient to make travel plans. Recipients will be announced shortly by May 31st, 2018.

Application Form(docx)

Application Form(pdf)

UN Medium and Low Human Development Index (HDI) Countries


II. Conditions of scholarships

Scholarships for delegates to attend the ETD annual symposium are an investment in ETDs worldwide. The NDLTD believes it is important that delegates from all nations have an opportunity to attend the annual conference and generally provides funding for scholarships. Final decisions about travel scholarship awards are the responsibility of the ETD 2018 Local Conference Organizing Committee. The ETD 2018 Conference Organizing Committee will ensure that travel scholarships are distributed appropriately to ensure wide representation from a range of developing countries.

To receive the travel funding, a candidate must be from a developing country, and must fill out the application form and provide a letter of support from his/her superior. At the decision of the ETD 2018 Organizing Committee, scholarships will be evenly granted to selected recipients. Scholarships will be presented to the recipients in person on the first day of the conference.

Since funding for travel scholarships is scarce and in order to ensure that as many institutions in developing countries as possible are able to benefit from attending the ETD annual symposium, the ETD 2018 Conference Organizing Committee will ensure that, except in very special circumstances, the same institution does not receive a travel scholarship to more than one symposium. Requests for second time funding will be referred to the NDLTD Conference Standing Committee for review and consideration. The same guideline applies to individuals applying for second time funding whether they are at their original institutions or have moved to a new one. Information about travel scholarships recipients (name, institution, country and sponsor) will be sent by the Chair of the ETD 2018 Conference Organizing Committee to the Chair of the NDLTD Conference Standing Committee after the conference.


Updated: The decision of Travel Scholarship has been annuounced on May 31st, 2018. Please see attachement for the winners.

ETD 2018 Travel Scholarship Winners(pdf)