  • etd2018

About ETD 2018 Taiwan

The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) is an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination, and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). NDLTD organize annual conference since 1998 to promote the ideas of ETDs as a global concern, aiming to forester the development of ETDs...


ETD 2018 program includes 4 plenary sessions, 3 penal sessions, 33 breakout presentations, also includes user group meeting of ETD consortium in Taiwan, a poster presentation session, a technology vendor fair as well as a variety of networking opportunities.

For plenary sessions, we are honor to have invited speakers from the U.S, Slovenia, Australia, Singapore and India, to share their knowledge and experience of institutional repositories and ETDs.

About National Central Library

National Central Library (NCL) is the major institution which collects theses and dissertations and manages a service platform in Taiwan. NCL, led by Director General Shu-Hsien Tseng, has been working on this task and strengthening the promotional services both nationally and internationally since 2010. NCL became a member of the NDLTD in 2010 and has conformed to international practices in the creation of the NCL database of theses and dissertations to increase the international visibility and academic influence of Taiwanese scholars. NCL has spared no effort in promoting the concept of Open Access to electronic theses and dissertations, including the following: publishing an annual report devoted to “Research Trends in Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan” since 2013,...

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