柯皓仁 博士
柯皓仁博士,1967 年次,1989 年取得新竹交通大學資訊科學系學士學位、1993 年取得新竹交通大學資訊科學系博士學位。柯皓仁博士歷任新竹交通大學圖書館副館長、臺灣師範大 學圖書館副館長,目前為臺灣師範大學圖書館館長與圖書資訊學研究所所長。柯博士的研究興趣包含:數位圖書館、數位典藏、圖書館資 訊系統、資訊檢索、資料探勘、鏈結資料、海量資料等,共發表 70 餘篇中英文期刊文章、40餘篇中英文研討會文章。由於柯皓仁博士資訊科技的背景,多年來持續協助臺灣圖書館界邁向數字化圖書館。在世紀交替前後,柯博士於臺灣建置了包含SCI/SSCI, Ei Compendex, CSA等索摘資料庫系統的鏡射站;柯博士尚為臺灣圖書館界設計與開發館際互借系統,對臺灣圖書館界的館際互借業務具有重大貢獻;此外,柯博士在臺灣最大的圖書館聯盟 CONCERT (CONsortium on Core Electronic Resources in Taiwan)亦提供許多技術上的諮詢。柯皓仁博士過去十年在數位典藏方面著力甚深,其所帶領的團隊主要著重於臺灣重要藝術家與團隊的典藏數位化,包含楊英風(雕刻家)、劉興欽(漫畫家)、李泰祥(音樂家)、朱銘(雕刻家)、雲門舞集(表演藝術)、優人神鼓(表演藝術)等。
Dr. Ramesh C.Gaur
Director (Library & Information) & Head-Kala Nidhi Division, IGNCA, India
Dr. Ramesh C. Gaur is presently Director (Library & Information) & Head-Kala Nidhi Division at Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA), New Delhi, Ministry of Culture, Government of India. During the period October 2011-January 2018 he was the University Librarian, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, India. He is Member of various International Committees such as International Advisory Committee-UNESCO Memory of the World Programme, IFLA-RSCAO, IFLA-ARL, International Centre on Documentary Heritage, South Korea and Member Board of Directors and Chair-NDLTD Conference Committee. He is Member Governing Council, INFLIBNET and National Committee on Implementation e-Theses in India, UGC Draft Plagiarism Regulations Committee. He is Member of several national and international academic advisory boards. During 28 years professional career has authored 4 books, have published over 60 articles and have delivered over 200 talks at various international national conferences / seminar etc. He has been associated in various capacities with all major Indian library associations and Professional committees. Digitization & Digital Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Plagiarism, Open Access, Reengineering Management and Reference Management Tools are areas of his interests.
胡紹文 教授
Deputy Associate Provost (Information & Knowledge) & Professor of Information Science, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Schubert Foo is Deputy Associate Provost (Information & Knowledge) at the President’s Office, and Professor of Information Science at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He received his B.Sc.(Hons), M.B.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Strathclyde, UK. He is a Chartered Engineer, Chartered IT Professional, Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and Fellow of the British Computer Society. He has served as Board Member and Advisor to the National Library Board and National Archives of Singapore from 2003 to 2015. He has authored more than 300 publications in his research areas of multimedia technology, Internet technology, multilingual information retrieval, digital libraries, information literacy, knowledge management, and social media innovations.
Dr. Edward A. Fox
Executive Director and Chairman of the Board of NDLTD
Edward A. Fox serves as Executive Director and Chairman of the Board of NDLTD, having worked with ETDs since 1987. He is a Fellow of ACM and a Fellow of IEEE. At Virginia Tech, where he has taught since 1983, he is Professor of Computer Science (and by courtesy, of Electrical and Computer Engineering), and directs the Digital Library Research Laboratory, having helped found the digital library community in the early 1990s. He also is affiliated with the Center for Autism Research, the Center for Human-Computer Interaction, the Discovery Analytics Center, and the Global Change Center. He is a member of the ACM Publications Board and of the IEEE Thesaurus Board, and on numerous editorial boards. An active researcher, he has been (co)principal investigator on 125 funded projects. Google Scholar assigns him an h-index of 58, based on over 17,000 citations; he has (co)authored more than 415 books/book chapters/journal/conference/workshop publications and given over 480 other presentations. He served as chair of the ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval, and chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries. His B.S. is from MIT, while his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees are from Cornell University.
Dr. Roxanne Missingham
Director of Scholarly Information Systems and the University Librarian at the Australian National University
Roxanne Missingham is Director of Scholarly Information Systems and the University Librarian at the Australian National University, Australia’s leading research university. She has been President of the Australian Library and Information Association and is on the Executive of the Council of Australian University Librarians. Her research focus digital libraries and in particular the changing nature of scholarly communication. She has more than 200 publications and presentations.
Dr. Sanjay Kataria
University Librarian, Bennett University, Greater Noida UP India
Dr. Sanjay Kataria is the University Librarian of the Bennett University. Dr. Kataria has a distinguished career in Library and Information Science with close to 18 years of experience during which he was the proud recipient of Commonwealth Professional Fellowship in 2012 & 2017 by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, London UK, SATKAL Best Young Librarian Award in 2012 by the SATKAL Trust and A. N. Marappan Memorial National Best Young Librarian Award by SALIS in 2009. He was appointed twice as UGC observer for the selection of Professor under Career Advancement Scheme of UGC and the visiting member of the review panel by INFLIBNET. He is well known for the conceptualization of ETTLIS (Emerging Trends and Technologies in Libraries and Information Services) which has grown into a library brand of international symposium and has successfully conducted four times in the span of 10 years. Dr. Kataria has delivered more than 60 invited talks in International and National Conferences, Workshops and Seminars. Dr. Kataria has published close to 35 research papers and edited 10 books and conference proceedings. He has supervised 3 Ph.D scholars, 1 MPhil and many MLIS projects. Prior to joining Bennett, Dr. Kataria was University Librarian at the Jaypee Institute of Information Technology (Deemed University) at Noida and Banasthali University, Rajasthan. He traveled widely for academic and research activities including France, USA, UK, Croatia, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Singapore, France, Scotland etc.