  • 漢籍文本之國際漫遊:對漢籍文本文化之當代態度與寰宇視角研討會首頁圖片

議程 Agenda



Conference on International Travels of Chinese Text:
New Approaches and Global Perspectives of Chinese Textual Culture

Day 1: Friday, November 10, 2023

Time Item
10:30─11:15 Registration


Opening Ceremony
Welcome Remarks
    National Library of Latvia representative     
    Shu-hsien Tseng
       Director-General, National Central Library, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
    Andrew H.C. Lee
       Representative, Taipei Mission in the Republic of Latvia
10:30─11:45 Ceremony of books donation by TRCCS
Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation
Group photo

Keynote Speech (Taiwan Lectures on Chinese Studies)
Chair: Shu-hsien Tseng

The Global Travels of Sinitic Political Advice Literature
Hilde De Weerdt (Chinese and Early Modern Global History, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)

13:15─14:30 Lunch

SESSION Ⅰ : Chinese Collections Throughout History
Chair: Ping-tzu Chu (祝平次)
Wei-ping Shu (許維萍) (Department of Chinese Literature, Tamkang University, Taiwan (R.O.C.))
The Jesuits and the Diffusion of the Chinese Classics—A discussion based on the "Illustrated Six Classics" 耶穌會士與中國經書的流傳——以波士頓學院利瑪竇圖書館藏《六經圖》為中心展開的討論

Georgijs Dunajevs (Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg, Germany; Collections Expert, National Library of Latvia, Latvia)
International Returns of Chinese Text: Yang Shoujing's Quest for Chinese Books in Japan

Philip Clart (Department of East Asian Studies, University of Leipzig, Germany)
The Chinese Library Collections at Leipzig University, 19th to 21st Centuries

16:00─16:30 Coffee break
  Session 2

SESSION Ⅱ: Transmission, Translation, and Audiences
Chair: Philip Clart
Agita Baltgalve (Department of Asian Studies, University of Latvia, Latvia)
Interpretations of the Book of Changes by Western Sinologists: Translations and Commentaries of the Hexagram 36 (Ming Yi 明夷)

Laurent van Cutsem (Department of Languages and Cultures, Ghent University, Belgium)
Chan/Zen and the Art of Quoting (Part II): An Analysis of the Keitoku dentō shōroku's 景德傳燈鈔錄 Quotations of the Baolin zhuan 寶林傳 against the Jinzang 金藏Edition   

Elizabeth Smith Rosser (Institute for Area Studies, Leiden University, Netherlands)
Landing the Joke Plane: A Century of Premodern Chinese Humour in English Translation

Frank Kraushaar (Leopold Franzens University of Innsbruck, Austria)
Meeting Odysseus? Contemporary Chinese Poetry Off Shore


Day 2: Saturday, November 11, 2023

Time Item

SESSION Ⅲ: Of Texts and Identity
Chair: Mark Gamsa
Mark Gamsa (Department of East Asian Studies, Tel Aviv University, Israel)
What Was the Russian Avant-Garde Looking for in China?

Martin Blahota (Oriental Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)
Mu Rugai's Manchu Voice in Northeast China of the 1920s

Aleksandrs Simons (Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany) 
1924-1929, the Formative Years of Lao She's Creative Work: Uncovering of Mr Ma and Son from a Post-colonialist Perspective, Translation and Dissemination of Lao She's Works

Julius Kochan (Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford, UK) 
Displaced Memories: Mnesic Modes in Taibeiren and The Emigrants

12:15─13:30 Lunch
13:30─14:00 Poster session for students

SESSION Ⅳ: Chinese Text between Physical and Digital Forms
Chair: Hilde De Weerdt
Ping-tzu Chu (祝平次) (Dept. of Chinese Literature, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (R.O.C))
A Field Work on Chinese Full-Text Databases: Usage Issues and Possible Solutions 對於漢籍全文資料庫的田野調查

Mariana Zorkina (Asien-Orient-Institut, University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Researching Connections between Poetic Texts in Early and Medieval China with the CHI-KNOW-PO Tool

Alevtina Solovyova (Centre for Oriental Studies, Tartu University, Estonia)
E-database of Mytho-ritual Characters in Chinese Written and Oral Traditions


Closing remarks and Coffee Break

16:15─17:45 Library and Special Collections tour
18:00 Reception Dinner